Download Firefox Nighly on Google Play:

Go to Settings for Firefox Nighly

  • Bottom-right three dots
  • Slide down and find the Settings
  • Find Settings Slide to the bottom to find about Firefox Nighlty
  • Click the LOGO until it appears and the debug menu is opened |inline

Create a Firefox account first

Setup complete, open Firefox Favorites library:

Add Extensions

  • Enter the Extensions you want in the search box |inline

Go back to Firefox Nighlty Settings on your phone

  • Find custom attachment collections |inline
  • Enter the number ID you just saw, and the name of the collection you just created |inline
  • Cyberghost extensions

Question: Why can’t I see Extensions?

  • Because you can only use the computer board, you can only add Extensions, otherwise it will not be displayed
  • Or you can temporarily change Useragent to PC + use desktop mode


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