Aurora Store, as the name suggests, is a full port of Google Play, it doesn’t require any account to use it, much like Apkpure, or some other sites that can download apk. Another thing: there is a very popular overseas program called DeGoogle, which is not using any Google software at all. Some people think that Google’s data collection is too serious.
The principle of Aurora Store in downloading software is actually downloading APK, but it seems to be done through Google Play’s API interface. It seems to work through the Google Play API interface, because there are often problems with accounts being blocked.
You can find the download point here:
Click Download APK directly to start the download.

After installation, everything is default, default, default.

Then tap Anonymize to go to the store!

Welcome to the new world, you’re now in the Aurora Store!

  • If it fails, try opening a VPN.

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